Suicide Prevention Resources Toolkit

Resources at Your Fingertips

The following page offers information and resources for both immediate and long-term assistance. Be proactive and don’t hesitate to engage in discussions. Initiating a more open dialogue about suicide within the fire service is the first step toward destigmatization. The provided resources are intended for your benefit, as well as that of your family, colleagues, or anyone seeking assistance. Feel free to share whatever you require.

Can’t wait? Call Safe Call Now.


Safe Call Now is a CONFIDENTIAL, comprehensive, 24-hour crisis referral service for all public safety employees, all emergency services personnel and their family members nationwide.

Non-Immediate Assistance

If the situation does not require immediate help, please check out the resources below to learn more about depression and suicidal ideation, tips to manage depression through positive psychology and movement, and details on how to support a loved one in crisis.

Seek Help:

Infographics and Flyers:



The Call We Carry – Confronting PTSD in the Fire Service

Produced by the Tacoma Fire Department and released in 2022, follow the journeys of 4 Tacoma Firefighters, as they share their stories of pain, sacrifice, and resiliency in the midst of an unprecedented call volume increase. The film provides an intimate glimpse into the lives of those who put it all on the line everyday, in an effort to prove once and for all that NO ONE FIGHTS ALONE…